“Powerbiotique” is the book’s title that teaches how to better nourish our intestinal microbiota.

Marion Kaplan is a bio-nutritionist and naturopath. She explores alternative and complementary medicines for years in order to improve our health through the diet. Alma Rota is a journalist and digital media professional. She is involved in raising awareness about food intolerances, such as coeliac disease.

Their collaboration led to a book that provides a wealth of tips on how to improve our relationship with our gut microbiota and how to feed it well (or better) – Powerbiotique : Les super-pouvoirs de votre intestin !

The intestinal microbiota: this important organ

Marion Kaplan and Alma Rota explain us the importance of this once little-known organ. The microbiota is an ecosystem composed of bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea, etc. living in balance in our intestines. It is involved in the various metabolisms, it influences the immune system and it is also able to communicate with our brain.

Each individual has his or her own microbiota: our microbiota is unique. However, although it may represent a biological signature, it should be noted that some species are common to the whole population.

And the richer and more diverse the microbiota is, the better is for us! Indeed, a depletion of bacteria is associated with many pathologies. This is particularly the case for obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease.

The gut microbiota is an organ with a fragile balance that can be compromised by our modern-day lifestyle. Our environment (stress, use of pesticides, pollution) and our diet (processed foods, junk food, excess sugar or fat) impact our microbiota (dysbiosis). We also eat too much and too often, which is not ideal either.

“Powerbiotique” diet: what to eat to nourish the gut microbiota?

As explained earlier, everyone has its own microbiota. Ideally, personalised nutritional recommendations should be considered. But while waiting for personalised nutrition, the authors provide us with the main keys to maintaining the good balance of our intestinal microbiota.

Thus, it is recommended to reduce:

  • cereals (especially gluten),
  • refined sugar,
  • salt,
  • dairy products of bovine origin,
  • processed industrial products…

And to focus on:

Each point is detailed and accompanied by notes, in order to better understand the benefits or on the contrary the disadvantages that each one can present.

Menu and recipes ideas are also provided at the end of the book to guide you in your future culinary choices.


Our opinion: The read of this book is a pleasant. It is well explained and supported by many scientific sources. If you are a novice in nutrition, this book will give you a good grounding in the gut microbiota and how to care for it through our diet. The authors take the time to detail, explain and share their experiences on the main terms and categories of our food. Practical advice to try and follow!



Marion Kaplan et Alma Rota. Powerbiotique – Les super-pouvoirs de votre intestin ! Guy Trédaniel Éditeur, 2019