What are the consequences of an imbalance?
Periodontal health is a fragile balance between the aggressive nature of this ecosystem and the host’s response. Any disruption in this balance leads to the development of infectious and inflammatory phenomena, such as periodontitis or gingivitis.
Periodontal diseases are very common and affect all ages.
They are infectious disease. Bacteria builds up at the tooth/gum junction, leading to relatively localised, inflammatory symptoms (gingivitis), or infiltrates further, causing a localised infection (periodontitis). These conditions progress particularly quickly if the patient’s immune defences are weakened (hereditary factors, general health status, immune deficiencies).
Dental decay (or caries) is also a bacterial infection. It leads to acidic demineralisation of the tooth enamel, developing following an imbalance in the mouth’s ecosystem.
How do probiotics act on mouth infections ?
What benefits do probiotics have on oral health?
Periodontal disease and dental decay develop when the mouth’s ecosystem is out of balance. An increase in harmful bacteria occurs in this case, associated with a decrease in beneficial bacteria.
Taking probiotics improves the stability of the oral microbial community.
The goal is to restore the right balance between good and bad bacteria. Probiotics also act by regulating the inflammatory response: they have been shown to be effective at reducing the inflammatory response and improving clinical parameters in individuals with chronic moderate periodontitis.