What role does inflammation play in rheumatic conditions?

There is a significant inflammatory component involved in joint diseases. Inflammation is regulated by substances that serve as messengers between the body’s cells, called cytokines. Some of these promote inflammation (pro-inflammatory cytokines) while others are anti-inflammatory. It is the balance between these pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines that will locally control the intensity and duration of the inflammatory reaction.


How do probiotics act on inflammatory joints ?

probiotics joints

How do probiotics act on joint comfort?

Probiotics have immunomodulating properties, promoting an anti-inflammatory action. They have the capacity to restore the cytokine balance, minimising the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines while increasing that of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

In addition to their effects on inflammatory response, probiotics help maintain the barrier effect and restore a healthy, balanced gut flora, limiting the proliferation and growth of agents that are harmful to the body.

They therefore act on the gut wall to limit the phenomenon of intestinal hyperpermeability, a disorder caused by chronic inflammation. 

Also known as “leaky gut syndrome”, this intestinal hyperpermeability is manifested by a loosening of the tight junctions of the intestinal epithelium, weakening the barrier effect of the gut: unwanted molecules can then cross the gut wall into the blood circulation.

In addition to localised results in the gut (and biological markers of an improvement in inflammation), scientific studies have demonstrated an improvement in joint well-being in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis receiving probiotic supplements: in particular, this is reflected by a general improvement in their symptoms (swelling, pain, stiffness, etc.) and a slower progression of the disease.

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