Want to learn more about the intestines without wasting too much time? “Le petit livre de l’intestin – Bien le connaître pour en prendre soin » written by a scientific journalist named Geneviève De Lacour is made for you.

In this easy carrying little book, you will learn basics about your bowels. Indeed, the following topics are discussed:



  • The digestion process: what is the route of the food that we eat
  • The role of the intestines in immunity and their link with the brain
  • Their evolution during life: how do they evolve from the fetal stage into adulthood?
  • The digestive troubles with a focus on IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases), as well as a new therapeutic approach increasingly studied: the fecal microbiota transplantation
  • The intestinal microbiota with the advance of scientific research, and its link with neurodegenerative diseases or chemotherapy
  • The ways to preserve our guts, specifically with food, prebiotics, probiotics or alternative medicines
  • Finally, what to avoid to maintain our well-being, such as stress, drugs, which are harmful to our intestinal microbiota.

“Le petit livre de l’intestin” is short, easy and quick to read. We find it rather suitable for novices. You will obtain a basic knowledge of the guts and answers to questions you may ask yourself. This book is a great starting point that will certainly make you want to read more to explore this hot topic.



Geneviève De Lacour. Le petit livre de l’intestin – Bien le connaître pour en prendre soin. First Edition, 2018