We recommend you to read « L’homme microbiotique » by Patrice Debré – Ed. Odile Jacob. 280 pages. Only available in French.

Patrice Debré invites us to an intense reflection on our relationship with the microorganisms which inhabit us, with the scientist’s eye, expert in immunology.

The book is really easy to read thanks to a fluid writting which is remarkably supported by arguments and examples taken from the abundant bibliography. Neverthless, this book is intended for an informed public having knowledge of biology and microbiology.

However, we like the pedagogical and systemic approach of Symbiosis and Mutualism between human and microbiotes.

After a few historical and metabolism reminders, the highly probable microbiota impact on overweight/obesity, cancer appearance, brain/intestine relationship where : who controls who ? hygiene and hygiene theory, allergy/inflammation are discussed.

The author ends his remarks on the chapters of antibiotherapy and fecal transplantation.

Because the subject is clear and has the merit of dealing with complex subjects, we love the multidisciplinary approach of the author : scientific, cultural, social and philosophical. This allows us to fully appreciate the very subtle relationship that we have to set up with our microbiotes.

Good reading !