Do you know that the skin has its own microbiota ? Yes, you have bacteria that colonize it, since your birth. Present on the surface of the skin, they are also found within the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

True warrior, these bacteria will ensure immunity of your skin by protecting you from inflammation, attacks and infections. Some of these bacteria even have antioxidant properties, thus limiting the premature aging of cells. In short, your skin will regenerate more easily and will age less quickly if your skin flora is balanced.

The age, gender and genetics influence your skin microbiota, but these are not the only ones ! The environment played also an important role. A change in temperature or pH of the skin, antibiotics or applying products on your skin will threaten this balance. Without forgetting the intestinal microbiota ! Indeed, a healthy intestinal microbiota is reflected on your skin.

The use of probiotics will help rebalance the skin microbiota to limit the harmful effects of time and environment. Moreover, some cosmetics and food supplements have already adopted its in their formula.