28 05, 2021

INFOGRAPHIC – What are the potential implications of oral SARS-CoV-2 infection on host microbiota?

2021-05-26T12:17:03+02:0028 May 2021|That's your concern, The Science|Comments Off on INFOGRAPHIC – What are the potential implications of oral SARS-CoV-2 infection on host microbiota?

What are the potential implications of oral SARS-CoV-2 infection on host microbiota? References XIANG Z, KOO H, CHEN Q, ZHOU X, LIU Y, SIMON-SORO A. Potential implications of SARS-CoV-2 oral infection in the host microbiota. J Oral Microbiol. 2021, 13(1):1853451 Pictures : Freepik

30 04, 2021

BOOK – Powerbiotique : Les super-pouvoirs de votre intestin !”

2021-04-29T17:12:44+02:0030 April 2021|That's your concern|Comments Off on BOOK – Powerbiotique : Les super-pouvoirs de votre intestin !”

"Powerbiotique" is the book’s title that teaches how to better nourish our intestinal microbiota. Marion Kaplan is a bio-nutritionist and naturopath. She explores alternative and complementary medicines for years in order to improve our health through the diet. Alma Rota is a journalist and digital media professional. She is involved in raising awareness about food intolerances, such as coeliac disease. Their collaboration led to a book that provides a wealth of tips on how to improve our relationship with our gut microbiota and how to feed it well (or better) - Powerbiotique : Les super-pouvoirs de votre intestin ! The intestinal [...]

8 01, 2021

INFOGRAPHIC – How the microbiota evolves over the course of life?

2021-04-30T09:23:15+02:0008 January 2021|That's your concern, The Science|Comments Off on INFOGRAPHIC – How the microbiota evolves over the course of life?

How the microbiota evolves over the course of life? References Pictures: Freepik NAGPAL R, MAINALI R, AHMADI S, WANG S, SINGH R, KAVANAGH K, KITZMAN DW, KUSHUGULOVA A, MAROTTA F, YADAV H. Gut microbiome and aging: Physiological and mechanistic insights. Nutr Healthy Aging. 2018, 4(4):267-285  

11 12, 2020

Christmas: does eating with your in-laws have an impact on your gut microbiota?

2021-04-30T09:36:45+02:0011 December 2020|That's your concern, The Science, Unusual|Comments Off on Christmas: does eating with your in-laws have an impact on your gut microbiota?

www.freepik.com Due to this pandemic linked to Covid-19, we want more than ever to benefit our loved ones. Christmas and the New Year’s Day are ideal occasions to meet again. We'll do our best to offer a delicious dinner with different meals, chocolate, alcohol, etc. Many factors that can disrupt the intestinal microbiota balance. However, did you know that food is not the only cause of the imbalance of your gut bacteria? And that another of these reasons may be due to your environment? During the holiday season, we make excesses with rich and alcoholic meals, and a late [...]

2 10, 2020

BOOK – Le petit livre de l’intestin

2021-04-30T10:24:11+02:0002 October 2020|That's your concern|Comments Off on BOOK – Le petit livre de l’intestin

  Want to learn more about the intestines without wasting too much time? “Le petit livre de l’intestin – Bien le connaître pour en prendre soin » written by a scientific journalist named Geneviève De Lacour is made for you. In this easy carrying little book, you will learn basics about your bowels. Indeed, the following topics are discussed:     The digestion process: what is the route of the food that we eat The role of the intestines in immunity and their link with the brain Their evolution during life: how do they evolve from the fetal stage into adulthood? The [...]

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