9 07, 2021

Can pollution impact our gut microbiota?

2021-07-15T09:20:12+02:0009 July 2021|That's your concern, The Science|Comments Off on Can pollution impact our gut microbiota?

Pollution may disrupt the gut microbiota, according to a team of researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder. Air pollution has a negative impact on our health. It has been identified as the 5th leading risk factor for mortality worldwide. Indeed, it can be responsible for chronic diseases, especially respiratory diseases. However, our lungs are not the only ones poisoned by the air we breathe. The intestinal microbiota would also be. Pollution and microbiota: the first clinical trial Animal model work suggests that exposure to air pollutants may alter the microbiota composition. Armed with this observation, American researchers enrolled a hundred [...]

25 06, 2021

Are gut microbiota and skin linked?

2021-08-18T10:00:15+02:0025 June 2021|Skin, The Science|Comments Off on Are gut microbiota and skin linked?

The intestinal microbiota has a central role in our health. We already know its unsuspected link with the brain and its impact on neurodegenerative diseases, stress, anxiety. However, the brain is not the only organ with which it works closely. Indeed, there is a new axis: the skin-gut axis. A Canadian research team has been working to prove this. The researchers observed whether UVB light had an impact on the gut microbiota composition. A clinical trial to prove the gut-skin axis A pilot study was conducted between February and April 2018 on 21 women with skin types ranging from I to [...]

28 05, 2021

INFOGRAPHIC – What are the potential implications of oral SARS-CoV-2 infection on host microbiota?

2021-05-26T12:17:03+02:0028 May 2021|That's your concern, The Science|Comments Off on INFOGRAPHIC – What are the potential implications of oral SARS-CoV-2 infection on host microbiota?

What are the potential implications of oral SARS-CoV-2 infection on host microbiota? References XIANG Z, KOO H, CHEN Q, ZHOU X, LIU Y, SIMON-SORO A. Potential implications of SARS-CoV-2 oral infection in the host microbiota. J Oral Microbiol. 2021, 13(1):1853451 Pictures : Freepik

14 05, 2021

Polycystic ovary syndrome: gut microbiota implication

2021-05-17T08:43:57+02:0014 May 2021|The Science, Women|Comments Off on Polycystic ovary syndrome: gut microbiota implication

Gut microbiota may be involved in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, according to a scientific study. What is polycystic ovary syndrome? Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disease affecting a large number of women. About 5-10% of women are affected. This condition is characterised by an excessive secretion of androgens (such as testosterone) in the ovaries, which disrupts egg production. Instead of being released during ovulation, the eggs turn into cysts that accumulate in the ovaries. Although very variable, the main clinical symptoms noted are menstrual cycle abnormalities (absence or irregularity, which can cause infertility), heavy hair growth, acne and [...]

19 03, 2021

Provid-19: a study about the effects of probiotics on Covid-19

2021-04-29T17:25:18+02:0019 March 2021|The Science|Comments Off on Provid-19: a study about the effects of probiotics on Covid-19

Provid-19 is the name of the ongoing clinical trial that aims to show the potential benefits of some probiotics against Covid-19. Covid-19, a worldwide virus We have been experiencing a global pandemic for a year, caused by Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2. The virus continues to spread and infect many people, with varying degrees of severity. Several vaccines have been available for several months now. However, vaccination is a long process that will take long time before the entire population has access to it. Research on drugs is also underway, but no conclusive results are yet to be reported. This is why new [...]

19 02, 2021

E-cigarette, a really healthy alternative to cigarettes?

2021-04-30T09:08:42+02:0019 February 2021|And also..., The Science|Comments Off on E-cigarette, a really healthy alternative to cigarettes?

E-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, are considered as a healthier alternative to conventional combustible cigarette smoke. Increasingly in vogue since they have been launched, they are popular among people wishing to reduce their consumption of combustible cigarettes, but have also conquered young people such as teens who have never smoked before. However, e-cigarettes can also have a negative impact on health. They contain toxic substances and nicotine levels comparable to traditional cigarette smoke, which cause inflammatory reactions. This is a cause of an oral microbiota dysbiosis. An oral microbiota altered with electronic cigarettes 119 volunteers were recruited and randomised into 3 groups [...]

22 01, 2021

Probiotics: a preventive strategy against coronavirus?

2021-08-18T10:03:37+02:0022 January 2021|Immunity, Non classé, The Science|Comments Off on Probiotics: a preventive strategy against coronavirus?

Since the arrival of the coronavirus, scientists have been looking for ways to contain the virus. Probiotics could be a preventive strategy according to Eric Giannoni and his colleagues, where they detail their arguments in a scientific article. We are living in a special period, marked by the arrival of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 or SARS-Cov-2. Many strategies have been put in place to limit its spread, such as containment, wearing a mask, social distancing, hygiene, screening... Nevertheless, it is progressing throughout the world, and health care structures are under great strain. COVID-19 is a contagious virus that causes [...]

8 01, 2021

INFOGRAPHIC – How the microbiota evolves over the course of life?

2021-04-30T09:23:15+02:0008 January 2021|That's your concern, The Science|Comments Off on INFOGRAPHIC – How the microbiota evolves over the course of life?

How the microbiota evolves over the course of life? References Pictures: Freepik NAGPAL R, MAINALI R, AHMADI S, WANG S, SINGH R, KAVANAGH K, KITZMAN DW, KUSHUGULOVA A, MAROTTA F, YADAV H. Gut microbiome and aging: Physiological and mechanistic insights. Nutr Healthy Aging. 2018, 4(4):267-285  

11 12, 2020

Christmas: does eating with your in-laws have an impact on your gut microbiota?

2021-04-30T09:36:45+02:0011 December 2020|That's your concern, The Science, Unusual|Comments Off on Christmas: does eating with your in-laws have an impact on your gut microbiota?

www.freepik.com Due to this pandemic linked to Covid-19, we want more than ever to benefit our loved ones. Christmas and the New Year’s Day are ideal occasions to meet again. We'll do our best to offer a delicious dinner with different meals, chocolate, alcohol, etc. Many factors that can disrupt the intestinal microbiota balance. However, did you know that food is not the only cause of the imbalance of your gut bacteria? And that another of these reasons may be due to your environment? During the holiday season, we make excesses with rich and alcoholic meals, and a late [...]

13 11, 2020

Tumors have their own microbiota

2021-04-30T09:56:50+02:0013 November 2020|The Science, Unusual|Comments Off on Tumors have their own microbiota

New data indicates that tumors have their own microbiota. Its composition would depend on the type of cancer. Bacteria would be found inside cancer cells as well as adjacent immune cells. These are the astonishing findings recently published in the scientific journal Science. Over 1,500 tumors analyzed containing not less than 9,000 bacterial species The discovery of bacteria in human tumors is not new. In fact, they were first detected over 100 years ago. However, their characterization was complicated due to the low biomass observed. In this study, their analysis proved possible. In the study,1,526 tumors across 7 different cancer types [...]

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