Austim refers to invasive trouble of developement, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It appears prematurely during childhood and persists throughout life. ASD are complex disorders that impair social interactions, communication and lead to restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. 2% of world’s population is affected. In France, 8000 children are born austistic each year.

Several studies already involve intestinal microbiota on neurobiological dysfunction characterizing TSA.

A new exploratory study followed 18 children, aged 7-16 years, all diagnosed with austism, for 18 weeks.

In this open-label study, the children received a 2-week antibiotic treatment, a bowel cleanse, and then an extended fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) using a high initial dose (2,5.1012 cellules/day) followed by daily and lower maintenance doses for 7–8 weeks (2,5.109 cellules/day). The children were separated in 2 groups according to the FTM administration route (oral or rectal route).

The results were similar in the 2 groups. The children experienced reduced symptoms : less stomach pain, reflux, indigestion, diarrhea and constipation, even 8 weeks after the end of the study. Parents also noticed a decrease in the irritability of their children, as well as a decrease in hyperactivity and language disorders. The children microbiota was more diverse and similar to the standard donor (FTM).

Promising results to help improving ASD symptoms that must be confirmed by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.



KANG DW, ADAMS JB, GREGORY AC, BORODY T, CHITTICK L, FASANO A, KHORUTS A, GEIS E, MALDONADO J, MCDONOUGH-MEANS S, POLLARD, SIMON ROUX EL, SADOWSKY MJ, SCHWARZBERG LIPSON K, SULLIVAN MB, CAPORASO JG, KRAJMALNIK-BROWN R. Microbiota transfer therapy alters gut ecosystem and improves gastrointestinal and autism symptoms: an open-label study – Microbiome. 2017